As Councilwoman and Mayor 2020, a Yorba Linda business owner since 2006, homeowner, California state health policy leader, community volunteer, clinical professor, and doctorally prepared nurse practitioner, Dr. Beth Haney supports agendas that retain Yorba Linda’s beauty, business, and culture. Her extensive experience with two important non-profit organizations guides her belief that forward-thinking and consideration of all residents and stakeholders lead to a stronger, prosperous and healthy community. She is bringing her experience to Yorba Linda, has no intention of using Yorba Linda as a platform to become a career politician.
The health and safety of our families rely on revenues that are generated by the residents through taxes. While there certainly is a cost associated with running a city and its infrastructure, it is very easy to let those costs get out of hand. That is why one of Beth's primary concerns is to make sure Yorba Linda residents are getting value for every tax dollar. With this in mind, she was recently and unanimously elected to the Board of Directors of Financial Partners Credit Union.
Beth served for 8 years on the California Association for Nurse Practitioners state board and two of those years as president, representing over 18,000 nurse practitioners in California. This organization is well respected in Sacramento and thanks to her leadership, it functions as a powerful, fiscally sound entity.
Dr. Haney has extensive experience balancing budgets, collaborating with stakeholders, and ensuring all voices are heard and she will bring her expertise to Yorba Linda.
A note from Beth:
"Health care is clearly one of my passions; healthy children and families lead to a healthy community. I practice in one of the most highly regulated fields - health care and am held to a higher level of integrity. I am a nurse practitioner and am proudly serving as the Chair on the UCI Placentia-Linda Hospital Board of Directors.
Additionally, I am serving as a Director on both the Orange County Fire Authority and Transportation Corridor Agency, and as a county commissioner for the Orange County Waste and Recycling Commission.
Previously, I served on the board of the YMCA – Orange County region for 5 years and am actively involved in fundraising and advocating for the members. I regularly give back to Yorba Linda through fundraising that provides for the YMCA after-school program in Yorba Linda, the With Hope Teen Suicide organization, Caterina’s Club, Dream Builders for Children with Cancer, and various local high school and middle school programs. In addition, we provided free health seminars open to the public at my business on Yorba Linda Blvd. I’ve had my business here in Yorba Linda for over since 2006 and understand how the health and safety of the community are vital to a prosperous city.
As a homeowner and Yorba Linda business owner, I understand how managed growth leads to increased enjoyment while maintaining the small-town feel. Residents live here because it is beautiful, safe, and spacious.
I have been a nurse practitioner since 2000 and absolutely love the profession. I graduated from Loma Linda in 2000 with my Master’s Degree and the University of Colorado in 2010 with my doctorate in nursing practice.
As your elected representative, I will continue to ensure our city is run efficiently and transparently and remains one of the safest communities in Orange County".